#BAILE kids

Cultural Programs

Specially made for

Kids of different ages


Part of the Baile Project, the Baile Kids offers dance and creative movement classes specially designed to kids, toddlers and babies of multiple ages and nationalities, in the Netherlands.

"Dance classes can help a child’s emotional well-being

When you exercise, you release chemicals called endorphins that trigger positive feelings. Dance also encourages kids to release their inhibitions and build confidence (...) Kids can learn to focus their movements, control their emotional energy, and practice to achieve higher goals. These skills will help a child’s emotional well-being in academics as well"

complete article

Creative Movement for Toddlers

for 2-3 year old and 3-4 year old kids

The Creative Movement class consists in working on the child's on creativity & expression, motor coordination, and introduction to dance technique, all in a ludic, fun and safe environment

Check the Creative Movement class

Babies & Mom's class

The Baile Baby class consists in a dance activity for Mom's and their Babies (5-11 months), focused in both in the Mom, their baby, and the connections between them through art and dance.





Check the Baile Baby class

Past events

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